Friday, 6 June 2014

LO2 Task 3 - analysing the target demographic of a radio program - Big John at breakfast

Every media organisation , product and programme has a target demographic or audience. without this it would be near enough impossible to determine the suitable content for the show. There is three main factors which need to be considered when creating a target audience or and audience profile. These are age, gender and social grade.
Age is very much straight forward. Each and every product must have a target age group in which they can focus their content on to ensure that the audience is entertained and satisfied with the product. in our example for big John at breakfast the target age bracket is 25 to 45 year old so the content is mainly targeted at these age groups.
next is gender. this again is very much straight forward as it is either male or female, simple. this again is vital to determine content as both male and female like different things so what music a woman would like could be completely different to men. again in our big John example the show is aimed mainly at women as most are house wives or mothers doing the school run.this totals up to 57% total listnership being predominately female.
social grade
finally is social grade. this is very important when determining the advertisements being played. this is because social grade is a measurement of a persons annual income and spending power. company use the NRS social grade system to determine a persons wealth .

The NRS social grade tier system
GradeSocial classChief income earner's occupation
Aupper middle classHigher managerial, administrative or professional
Bmiddle classIntermediate managerial, administrative or professional
C1lower middle classSupervisory or clerical and junior managerial, administrative or professional
C2skilled working classSkilled manual workers
Dworking classSemi and unskilled manual workers
Enon workingCasual or lowest grade workers, pensioners, and others who depend on the welfare state for their income,

So if a person falls into the C2 category or below, like big John at breakfasts majority, they wont have as much spending powers as some one who is a doctor in the A category. This means that it is useless playing a Bentley car advertisement when no one in the audience can afford it. so big John plays advertisements such as subway and halfords which appeal to the majority of the listener ship.another example of an advertisement played would be the police drink and drive advertisement. this would appeal to to C2 and below for they tend to go to a local pub more often than ABC1. This means that the correct people are targeted to listen to the appeal. Another would be Hansen Hughes injury claims. This will appeal to C2 and below as the majority of injury claims occur to working class people so more or the intended people will be reached to go to the solicitor firm.
Also ads played are targeted mainly at the main gender which is women. so advertisements such as crystal peaks and its Christmas offers would appeal to women more as the mostly shop more than men.

Halfords is example of an advertisement broadcasted on big John which is within the financial reach of its target demographic

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